L2 Grammatical Representation and Processing

Theory and Practice

Edited by Dr. Deborah Arteaga

Publication date:

19 September 2019


Multilingual Matters



ISBN-13: 9781788925341

The chapters in this volume, all written by experts in the field, present an array of new research on second language acquisition (SLA) that touches on several current theoretical debates in the field and present a rich range of new empirical data and a number of innovative findings. The studies address questions relating to ultimate attainment, first language transfer, universal properties of SLA, processing and second language (L2) grammar, and explore a number of grammatical features of the L2: tense, aspect, modality, specificity, definiteness, gender, number, anaphora. These themes are complemented by the study of pragmatic competence in sociocultural aspects of register use. The students investigated in the studies range from heritage speakers to naturalistic learners, to instructed learners and immigrants. Another distinctive feature of this book is the inclusion of pedagogical recommendations based on L2 research, making the book relevant for both SLA researchers and language teachers.

A welcome and well-planned contribution to SLA research. Contributions from rising stars and established top names bring valuable insights into how to relate linguistic theory to the L2 classroom. The variety of research questions, methodologies, and range of languages included makes this volume an essential addition to any SLA-focused reading list for researchers, students and practitioners.