The Transformation of the Organization of American States

A Multilateral Framework for Regional Governance

By (author) Betty Horwitz

Publication date:

01 March 2010


Anthem Press



ISBN-13: 9781843318767

This book explores the extent and significance of the transformation of the Organisation of American States since 1991: its roots, the reasons for and extent of its emergence, and the role that the organisation currently plays in the promotion of regional governance in the two key issue-areas of security and the defense and promotion of democratic norms and principles of good governance. By assessing where the OAS has succeeded and failed, Horwitz provides an in-depth explanation of how cooperation and consensus works in the Inter-American system.

'I find the book an essential work for both scholars and practitioners of policy issues in the Americas.' —Ambler H. Moss Jr, former US Ambassador to Panama, 1978-1982