Widening Harvest

Edited by A. J. Ammerman, Paolo Biagi

Not available to order

Publication date:

31 December 2003

Length of book:

365 pages


Archaeological Institute of America



ISBN-13: 9781931909051

<p><p><BR><span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lblBookDescription" itemprop="description">This volume brings together papers presented at a conference titled <i>The Neolithic Transition in Europe: Looking Back-Looking Forward</i>, held in Venice in 1998. Eighteen chapters address the origins of agriculture; the Neolithic transition in southern, central, and northern Europe; genetic and linguistic aspects of the Neolithic; and future prospects for research and analysis.</span>&nbsp;</p><BR><P></p><p><br /><BR><P></p><p><br /><BR><P></p>
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