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Publication date:

30 May 2017

Length of book:

322 pages


Lexington Books

ISBN-13: 9781498524667

A Language of Freedom and Teacher’s Authority: Case Comparisons from Turkey and the United States explores dimensions of authority that are deeply embedded in the profession of teaching. It examines critical dimensions of the foundations of Turkish and U.S. public education, both of which are under new pressures due to changes in the relationship between public schooling and current reforms in education. The contributors reflect on varied dimensions of authority, of which ideals are shifting under political and economic pressures. In both Turkey and the U.S, public education reflects the early influence of secular equalitarianism, revolutionary democratic developments, and an Enlightenment-based sense of the human right to education. Against this, we see the opposing dialectic where state control and curricular censorship and constriction appear too often.
Can teachers save nations? Has democracy really slipped into the abyss in the teaching profession in Turkey and also in the United States? This courageous book, the brainchild of Mızıkacı and Senese, ushers a brave clarion call in essays for all of us who revere and respect the teaching profession, democratic academic process and the treasured ultimate outcome: enlightened, caring students. Truly a collection to ponder and use as a basis of action to calibrate the profession.