A Practical Guide to Government Management

By (author) Vince Meconi

Not available to order

Publication date:

15 March 2015

Length of book:

320 pages


Bernan Press

ISBN-13: 9781598887532

A Practical Guide to Government Management provides a comprehensive yet one-volume work on high-level government management and can be described as a mangement book, reference book, and textbook all in one. It is geared towards any upper level government manager, public administration student, or anyone interested in public sector management.

Government managers receive limited or no management training, and at higher levels, focus more on policy than management, with negative consequences for the agencies they manage. This book seeks to address that dearth, written from the point of view of someone who successfully led government organizations, for an extended period, and faced a wide variety of managerial problems and issues. It covers a number of topics seldom discussed (and certainly not all in one volume), such as handling problem employees, cutback management, prioritization, making decisions, gaining control of an organization, and telling one’s boss —
the elected official—no.

Leo Strine, Chief Justice of Delaware’s Supreme Court and a former colleague, says that “In a time when many Americans are jaded about public service, it’s refreshing to be reminded that there are talented people who devote their careers to making our government work for the governed. Vince Meconi always put the public first in his decades of service in all three branches of government, and anyone interested in making government more effective will benefit from his insights and experience.”

Former Delaware Medicaid Director Harry Hill says, “I have led government agencies, managed for multiple Fortune 500 Companies, and run my own business. Vince Meconi is the best manager I have ever encountered. As a student of management myself, I collected over 800 books on the subject. Most offered little new, just a new way of saying the same thing. This book has what the others lacked — written instructions, practical examples, and advice for public sector managers from someone who has actually faced all the challenges for a prolonged period. It is a management book, reference book, and textbook all in one.”

One of the interesting things about government is that the elected face of an organization is rarely the person responsible for the day-to-day operations. Government employees in nonelected positions are often appointed or move into the job from an unrelated field of study—often without any management background. This volume aims to offer advice and training for those holding (or who are interested in) positions in the public sector. Meconi, who has held top-level positions in Delaware government since 1993, brings the requisite knowledge and experience to this book. The volume contains three sections: 'You: Managing Yourself,' 'Your Organization: Managing Internally,' and 'Your Environment: Managing Externally.' Each section is further divided into chapters (such as 'Self-Management,' 'Making Decisions and Solving Problems,' and 'The Media'). The information covered includes a broad discussion of budgeting, a look at various personnel issues, advice on assembling a leadership team, and tips on working for elected officials. This resource is recommended for academic and public libraries, where it will be a welcome reference for citizens interested in running for public office as well as those already in such roles.