Understanding Judaism

The Basics of Deed and Creed

By (author) Benjamin Blech

Paperback - £40.00

Publication date:

01 September 1992

Length of book:

374 pages


Jason Aronson, Inc.

ISBN-13: 9780876682913

Judaism is primarily a religion of actions rather than beliefs. When the Jewish people accepted God's covenant, they committed themselves first to obedience and practice, and then to striving to understand the message implicit in the Torah.

In Understanding Judaism: The Basics of Deed and Creed, a perfect textbook for independent and classroom study, Rabbi Benjamin Blech presents a comprehensive explication of the Jewish faith. What does it meant to be a Jew? How does religion affect the ways in which Jewish people think and act? What are the basic concepts of Judaism? This volume answers these vital questions.
Rabbi Blech's book is one that every Jew should read. Even Jews who are very knowledgeable with regard to their ancestral faith will find in it new insights that deal with aspects of the tradition of which one might have thought that nothing new could besaid. Only a rabbi who is at one and the same time an inspiring spiritual leader of an active congregation of committed Jews, and a master teacher of college students searching for their spiritual roots, could so skillfully combine in his presentation ofJudaism so much that can open the eyes of the latter and deepen the delight of the learned in that which they fathomed only superficially...