Publication date:

26 December 2017

Length of book:

248 pages


Lexington Books

ISBN-13: 9781498550208

In its diversity of perspectives, The Unfinished Atomic Bomb: Shadows and Reflections is testament to the ways in which contemplations of the A-bomb are endlessly shifting, rarely fixed on the same point or perspective. The compilation of this book is significant in this regard, offering Japanese, American, Australian, and European perspectives. In doing so, the essays here represent a complex series of interpretations of the bombing of Hiroshima, and its implications both for history, and for the present day. From Kuznick’s extensive biographical account of the Hiroshima bomb pilot, Paul Tibbets, and contentious questions about the moral and strategic efficacy of dropping the A-bomb and how that has resonated through time, to Jacobs’ reflections on the different ways in which Hiroshima and its memorialization are experienced today, each chapter considers how this moment in time emerges, persistently, in public and cultural consciousness. The discussions here are often difficult, sometimes controversial, and at times oppositional, reflecting the characteristics of A-bomb scholarship more broadly. The aim is to explore the various ways in which Hiroshima is remembered, but also to consider the ongoing legacy and impact of atomic warfare, the reverberations of which remain powerfully felt.
The atomic bombings, because of the sheer scale of their destruction and the long-term effects on the human mind and body, compelled the survivors to live as hibakusha throughout their entire lives. The essays compiled in this book eloquently describe their struggle to come to terms with their mangled lives and analyze how the wider world tried to remember, and sometimes forget, the human cost of the bombing. This is a compassionate, timely, and extremely readable book that reminds readers that it is our responsibility to pass on the memories of the atomic bombing so that there shall be ‘no more Hiroshima and Nagasaki.’