Global Capitalism and Climate Change: The Need for an Alternative World System

By (author) Hans A. Baer

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Publication date:

28 June 2012

Length of book:

366 pages


AltaMira Press

ISBN-13: 9780759121348

Many progressive scholars, particularly in the social sciences, have increasingly come to acknowledge that anthropogenic climate change constitutes yet another contradiction of global capitalism. This book constitutes an effort to develop a critical social science of climate change, one that posits its roots in global capitalism with its emphasis on profit-making, a treadmill of production and consumption, heavy reliance on fossil fuels, and commitment to ongoing economic expansion. It explores the systemic changes necessary to create a more socially just and sustainable world system that would possibly start to move humanity toward a safer climate and discusses the role of a burgeoning climate movement in this effort.
This book should be read by every student and teacher, unionist and business leader, and grassroots activist and politician. It will convince even the most hardened climate denialist. Baer's vigorous transdisciplinary analysis of global warming spells out the science, amplifies our political options for the future, and makes it very clear that ‘green capitalism’ trading in credits for ‘hot air’ will certainly not be enough.