Publication date:

19 October 2016

Length of book:

160 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9781498521741

Creating Engagement between Schools and their Communities: Lessons from Educational Leaders addresses how educational leaders have made efforts to reconnect their schools to their communities and the varied goals they achieved. The contributors of this book are educational leaders who have stayed committed to their neighborhoods and who have seen the moral imperative to provide equal opportunity to all students. This book shares their experiences, particularly looking at community-based schools in urban, impoverished, or immigrant communities—communities that often are disconnected from the political and economic centers of the country.
Often rural schools and communities are overlooked when considering the current circumstances and future prospects for students and families in our most remote places. The authors and contributors have done an outstanding job in focusing on this population and why leadership is so critical to the success and vitality of rural people and places.