Publication date:

26 September 2013

Length of book:

288 pages

ISBN-13: 9781442221031

Parkinson's disease is a degenerative neurological disease characterized primarily by cognitive deficiencies and problems with muscle movements and tremors; more than a half a million Americans have the disease and the current numbers are expected to increase over the next few years. Understanding Parkinson's Disease offers patients and their caregivers the kind of cutting-edge information that will allow them to successfully confront this debilitating disease on a number of fronts. Dr. Naheed Ali provides patients with a hopeful perspective as well as practical ways of confronting and living with the disease. Patients will also be uniquely exposed to alternative approaches to managing the symptoms of the disease, including allopathic, osteopathic, and naturopathic approaches. While Understanding Parkinson's Disease also provides powerful techniques and real-world advice that sufferers can immediately put into practice, the book also encourages readers to gain a full understanding of the background of the disease. Dr. Ali presents contemporary benchmark concepts and gives detailed advice that makes dealing with Parkinson's a much simpler and easier undertaking. The reader will be introduced to essential information on the risk factors associated with Parkinson's, the signs and symptoms, the different stages of the disease, the various treatments, as well as how the disease develops. Anyone looking for an introduction to both the science behind Parkinson's and the effects of its course on sufferers, as well as information about treatment and real life strategies for dealing with the debilitating symptoms, will find the information they need in this accessible resource.
As both authors and patients, we enthusiastically recommend Naheed Ali's book, Understanding Parkinson's Disease. This is a wonderfully detailed resource about Parkinson's from the earliest of documentation of the "Shaking Palsy" to the effects & treatments currently available. -- Michael J. Church and Gretchen Garie-Church, authors of Living Well With Parkinson's Disease, co-founders of Movers & Shakers Dr. Ali's book provides a well-rounded, solid base of knowledge on Parkinson's disease, and should encourage patients to be strong advocates for their health. When people with Parkinson's are empowered with information and insight into their disease, not only can they better manage their symptoms, they also can better educate friends, family, and others about why research toward better treatments and a cure is so very important. -- Amy Comstock Rick, CEO, Parkinson's Action Network