Publication date:

16 April 2013

Length of book:

156 pages


AltaMira Press



ISBN-13: 9780759119505

Effectively managing people, facilities, and partnerships can make or break an institution. Museum operations encompasses responsibility for the maintenance of your structure, the safety of your visitors, and the security of your staff and collections. This behind-the-scenes administrative effort is rarely what calls people to work in museums, but good organizational management keeps your institution functioning smoothly. This book examines how to find and work well with all the people who can contribute daily to the museum: paid staff, volunteers, and interns. It also provides many organizational resources such as an outline for an operations policy manual, sample job descriptions, and a sample partnership agreement.
The Small Museums Toolkit provides more proof that small museums are wonderful places run by creative professionals, many of whom have shared their insights and expertise as authors of this series. This book provides clear, comprehensive, practical information for anyone tackling management issues. If you work in a small museum, I urge you to read this book and take advantage of yet another useful resource from AASLH. Just think of it as great advice from good friends.