Publication date:

16 October 2002

Length of book:

664 pages


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers



ISBN-13: 9780742513570

Ethical Issues in Biotechnology is the first textbook of its kind, written collaboratively by a philosopher and a biologist to provide undergraduate students with a comprehensive, accessible introduction to the ethical and scientific fundamentals of biotechnology. Engaging the ethics and the science side by side, the text addresses pressing questions in agricultural, food, and animal biotechnology; human genetics; gene therapy; human cloning; and stem cell research.

A general introduction to both the moral philosophy and fundamentals of genetics is enhanced throughout the text with section-specific introductions addressing the particular philosophical and scientific challenges posed by the topic under consideration. Diagrams and drawings, study cases, liberal use of practical examples, and suggestions for further reading make the text an ideal resource for a broad range of students interested in issues and questions lying at the intersection of philosophy and genetics.
This will be the field-defining book for the ethics of biotechnology. It is the best one-volume guide to the issues currently being debated with respect to the new genetic technologies, and the only one that illuminates the connections between medical and agricultural applications. Teachers will use it in the classroom, but beyond that it should be thought of as an indispensable read for anyone who wants to be informed about science, ethics, and public policy.