Publication date:

01 April 2014

Length of book:

254 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9780739187029

Health Care Disparities and the LGBT Population addresses a people whose lack of health care access, including mistreatment and refusal of services, are often omitted from discussions about health care and insurance reform. Research suggests that LGBT people experience worse health outcomes than their heterosexual counterparts. Low rates of health insurance coverage, high rates of stress due to systematic harassment, stigma, discrimination, and lack of cultural competency in the health care system frequently manifest in negative health-related behaviors. The dearth of data collection on sexual orientation and identity in state and federal health care surveys has led to inadequate information about LGBT populations, and has impeded the establishment of health programs and public policies that benefit them. With its diverse perspectives, this book will not only benefit LGBT people, but will also more broadly improve the lives of entire communities, medical care, and prevention programs and services. This research provides a better understanding of the social and structural inequalities that LGBT populations experience. Improvements to our country’s health care system should go beyond just providing universal insurance and should ensure equitable health care for all.
This collection particularly underscores the importance of two major health policy issues—gaps in access to insurance coverage for LGBT people and discrimination against transgender people in the health system—that health professionals and those working for LGBT equality alike need to take up in earnest, especially in the era of the opportunities for change offered by the Affordable Care Act. The book explicitly frames its engagement with LGBT health issues through the framework of the unprecedented progress in public policy that has been achieved over the last five years. It demonstrates how research and policy can go hand in hand to define opportunities for change, and it will help readers from all backgrounds craft real solutions that work for LGBTQ people, our families, and our communities.