Real Drugs in a Virtual World

Drug Discourse and Community Online

Contributions by Azzurra Crispino, Sarah N. Gatson, Shawn Halbert, Joseph A. Kotarba, Rachel Willard Edited by Edward Murguia, Melissa Tackett-Gibson, Ann Lessem

Paperback - £42.00

Publication date:

09 February 2007

Length of book:

246 pages


Lexington Books



ISBN-13: 9780739114551

Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded research project on drug information and online drug-related communities. The editors of this pivotal text, Edward Murguia, Ann Lessem, and Melissa Tackett-Gibson, elevate the debate about drug use and the Internet from a polemic discourse to social scientific investigation. The essays confront issues related to the study of drug communication online, including the causal factors of abuse as discussed in online forums, the relationship between music and drug use in virtual communities, and the ways in which individuals assess the accuracy of online drug information. This book highlights the variety of ways to examine drug use as a social problem and presents several theoretical perspectives valuable to online research. Real Drugs in a Virtual World is an enlightening and thought provoking read that will appeal to sociology students and those interested in virtual communities.
Murguia, Tucker-Gibson and Lessum apply cutting-edge cyber ethnographic methods towards an understanding of new patterns of drug use, acquisition and community in the Twenty-First Century. A must read for those interested in how access and use of online internet technologies shape social and personal life and influence the social construction of reality among these emerging drug subcultures.