A Socio-Political Model of Lies in Russia

Putin Against the Personal

By (author) Jason C. Vaughn

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Publication date:

29 April 2016

Length of book:

228 pages



ISBN-13: 9780761867647

This book is written to examine Russian public opinion, culture and society in the context of the lies, liars and untruths consistent with, but not exclusively part of, the rule of Russia’s second (and fourth) post-Soviet President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Then, it is to assess what future there is for Russia in view of Russia’s peculiar ‘socio-political’ culture of parallel truth and untruth.
Based on new research, literature and historical examination of ‘untruth’ in Russia, using political, social, cultural, media and public opinion analysis, this study develops and applies a new and novel approach, or “model(s),” to the study of lies in Russia. Further, this book seeks to provide an understanding of Russia’s socio-political environment to outsiders not versed in the ins-and-outs of the influences, causes and reasoning for the Russian government’s, and the Russian public’s, reactions to publicized events.
While manipulating the truth is endemic to political strategy, how does lying become a fundamental aspect of the modus operandi of a political system? Through assessing Russian public opinion, Jason C. Vaughn’s book offers insight into this phenomenon….. Vaughn’s work clearly develops a unique…analytical model for studies of Russian politics. Through his focus on lying as an aspect of the Russian political system, he assesses a relatively understudied micro-facet of contemporary political culture, without overlooking the broader context within which it emerged and operates…. Vaughn’s research achieves its aim of contributing towards understanding the Kremlin’s success in perpetuating its ‘own truth’.