Reinventing the Museum

Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Paradigm Shift

Edited by Gail Anderson

Paperback - £58.00

Publication date:

09 March 2004

Length of book:

416 pages


AltaMira Press

ISBN-13: 9780759101708

This reader brings together 35 seminal articles that reflect the museum world's ongoing conversation with itself and the public about what it means to be a museum—one that is relevant and responsive to its constituents and always examining and reexamining its operations, policies, collections, and programs. In conjunction with the editor's introductory material and recommended additional readings these articles will help students grasp the essentials of the dialogue and guide them on where to turn for further details and developments.
Because its conceptual framework and essays so faithfully represent the reigning orthodoxy in American museums, Reinventing the Museum is the perfect survey text for introductory courses and undergraduate offerings in history, art history, anthropology, and museum studies.